I’ve always thought that persistent segment trees, also known as “functional segment trees” in Chinese, are more elegant than traditional ones, since I can essentially treat them as immutable objects. So recently, I decided to code an implementation in Scala, a functional language.
Without further ado, here’s the code:
object PersistentSegTree {
def init(l: Int, r: Int): TreeNode = {
val mid = (l + r) >>> 1
if (l != r) Node(0, init(l, mid), init(mid + 1, r))
else Leaf(0)
sealed trait TreeNode {
val sum: Int
def modify(pos: Int, v: Int, l: Int, r: Int): TreeNode
def queryKthSmallest(old: TreeNode, k: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Int
case class Node(sum: Int, lc: TreeNode, rc: TreeNode) extends TreeNode {
def modify(pos: Int, v: Int, l: Int, r: Int): TreeNode = {
val mid = (l + r) >>> 1
if (pos <= mid) Node(sum + v, lc.modify(pos, v, l, mid), rc)
else Node(sum + v, lc, rc.modify(pos, v, mid + 1, r))
def queryKthSmallest(old: TreeNode, k: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Int = {
val nOld = old.asInstanceOf[Node]
val (lSum, mid) = (lc.sum - nOld.lc.sum, (l + r) / 2)
if (k <= lSum) lc.queryKthSmallest(nOld.lc, k, l, mid)
else rc.queryKthSmallest(nOld.rc, k - lSum, mid + 1, r)
case class Leaf(sum: Int) extends TreeNode {
def modify(pos: Int, v: Int, l: Int, r: Int): TreeNode = Leaf(sum + v)
def queryKthSmallest(old: TreeNode, k: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Int = l
object Main extends App {
var Array(n, m) = io.StdIn.readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt)
val arr = io.StdIn.readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt)
// map the array to an id ranged 0 ~ n
val dict = arr.distinct.sorted.zipWithIndex.toMap
// build the tree
val roots = (0 until n).foldLeft(List(PersistentSegTree.init(1, n))) { (lis, cur) =>
lis.head.modify(dict(arr(cur)) + 1, 1, 1, n) :: lis
while ({ m -= 1; m >= 0 }) {
val Array(i, j, k) = io.StdIn.readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt)
println(roots(j).queryKthSmallest(roots(i - 1), k, 1, n))
As long as you know how persistent segment trees work, the code should be pretty self-explanatory.
Once I finished the code, I submitted it to MKTHNUM on SPOJ for testing, and got a TLE. It turned out that the tree building process, after optimization, took about 0.6 ~ 0.7 seconds on my laptop (CPU: Intel i5-2520M), which, unfortunately, is a bit too long.
Recalling that the JVM might need some warmup due to JIT optimizations, I added a loop that ran the building process ~20 times before the benchmark, and sure enough, the time went down to 0.1 ~ 0.2 seconds.
Of course, it’s impossible to apply the method on online judges. As such, I can sort of understand why most OJs give Java programs a longer time limit.